Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the prices so expensive. - Ja, I hear you.
My work is solely handwoven, and weaving is a time consuming craft. Each product is unique, handwoven, and that is difficult putting a price to. If you want to discuss exchange trade, or want to get in contact with me about pricing, please do not hesitate to take up dialog with me. We will figure it out.

I change the game of mass production, unfair payment of employees and try to keep the carbon footprint low. In my eyes this is what matters, to heal our planet and the folks on it - for now and our childrens future. My products wont let you down, and will be passed on to the next generation. A good present, for weddings, birthdays, and those special days.

I design and produce locally, putting an effort to enable meaningful consumption and production. My ambition is to help others, strengthening the local structure of society - here and there.
Why are the prices in Euro and not Norwegian Kroner?
Our Homepage uses a shop system called wix, and I use Stripe for a secure payment with credit card. Buy purchasing products the amount will be translated in your valid currency.
Can I only buy online, or is it possible to purchase the products in shops?
Yes you can. I have dealers spread throughout Norway, and I am looking out for more, as well in europe, and overseas. Right now you can buy at the art museum in Førde, Norway and at Breiegard, at Valdres, Norway. Please visit the Dealers page for more information.

I will be present at Farmers Markets, special Festivals, and other funny happenings throughout the year. And if you are around, come and visit our weaving workshop here at Stadlandet (you find our address at the menue CONTACT), there I sell our products to a special workshop prices, as well at the festivals and markets. Sign up for the newsletter, there I will keep you posted  - and follow me on social media. Thanks.